Judgment is about your life after death. You die and are confronted with the option to go to heaven or hell. They tell you your sins and virtues are equal, but your sins definitely out way your virtues. The setting changes from Purgatory to Hell. The player is the main character. The player is being led through Hell and has to make vital decisions to see what layer they end up on. I wanted the players to be able to experience a Hell that is different from that of religious views. One that is still of eternal damnation but one that will make it harder for sinners to change. In my second playtest (final draft) I was able to get exactly what I wanted from the player experience. Your decisions are detrimental to where in hell you’ll end up and it’s important to have good calculations. I saw that people enjoyed how descriptive it was because it was able to give them a deeper glimpse into the world. Changes originally resulted from the first playtest. Some people said they felt a little overwhelmed with how many options they had at times, so I decided to condense it to make it more digestible for players. My game uses links in many different ways. It can lead to different character interactions between the secondary character Juniper and a side character Christine. It also is the determining factor whether you get stuck in a specific layer of hell or not. My game functions more like a choose your own adventure than a coded game, making the game more simple but more fun to enjoy the lore of the game. Doing this helps make the players really think about their decisions and whether or not they are good ideas, and how it will affect their chances in the future.

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